Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Exec's Bail Out

I have been watching with some interest to this bail out of the so-called Big 3 automakers of the U.S. Without any elaboration and further rumblings and discourse and my apologies to those who may be lucky enough to live under a rock or a cave for that matter. All seem so appealing to me right now. This whole mess with our chief auto makers has to make even the most centered and enlightened being pissed to no end. I think of other automakers around the world. And foreign auto makers that build here in the U.S. It seems these people just don't get it. But I digress. The only way to stop these people from making shite. Is to stop buying their cars. Period. That’s it. When they get it right we will reward them with our money. Until then let's do the sane thing. Let's bail our more unfortunate players out there. Ahh, so it's an investment thing is it? Great. Maybe the Dems are right, maybe we should turn to a more socialistic form of government? Well, to say they're not is a lie. But to get away from the finger pointing and to stay on the subject when is enough enough? I think it is sad and unfortunate that this is happening. Not much we can do about this. Except complain and blog away. I could provide a hundred solutions. Right here. But who would read, who would listen' who would care? Just probably the people who read this stuff and want to stay connected, to something bigger and better than cars, us.

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