Saturday, December 3, 2011

Troubling... where does the finger pointing begin/end?

So I heard about this Christmas tree ...Oops sorry! Correction, Holiday Tree tax that Obama was going to implement, but then that got squashed or something? I dunno? Then about a week ago I read where the U.S. was going to start slaughtering horses to be used as food for humans and then I thought.... nothing..... blank.... shaking my head in all direction I thought and still feel like I'm going to get sick when i think about this. So I decided to write it out, the only therapy I know that works real quick other than talking to a friend or loved one, but this need immediate attention and could not be ignore any longer.
Who is to blame for this? Is this all on Obama? Because he signed this into law? Again, center to right here, but how far does this atrocity stretch and who kicked this thing off. Am I being too sensitive? Is there a deeper underlining issue to our consumption of meat in this country? Is it again, business as usual? Greed again? I’ve read some of the comments to this article from this site. What’s your take? And what do we do… If anything?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Oh Yeah?

Is that cause the world is gonna end? The U.S, is finally making a wise investment in not investing what won't be there anyways? So we are finally getting a clue and see no need to buy a vowel? In the year 2011 we are actaully making a bold and conscientious decision and not gonna invest in a future of castles in the sand? I actually agree, good form U.S.

Head out of Ass ... finally!

Yes so I got to the beach this summer, unlike 2010. My fault on that one and I'm not done yet, still working on more. It appears that my treks in New England have taken me to New Hamplshire, Maine, and yes even Vermont. Not much really for the tree hugging state, but nonetheless I still went and had a good time. And even in the works is R.I. So this Summer will account for all 6 states in New England. Yes Mass and Conneticut count, I live in the former and work in the latter. So got some stuff to post. Enjoy!