Saturday, March 7, 2009

Is it Spring yet? I'm ready to come out of the woodwork ... I think?

Is it Spring yet? I'm ready to come out of the woodwork ... I think?

Yes, it's been awhile. So what? It's not like you have missed me, but I’m pretty sure I missed you. Just haven't been able to show it lately. Well, with all that being said it's hardly a great introduction, but an assertion.

There have been a number of things that have come up in the past several months or so ago since my last post here. Let's just name them off shall we? Job/career, the economy, that State of Massachusetts, taxes; which is kinda redundant figuring their order. Money, finances, vacation, health; yes, I'm getting older; news flash--so is everyone else. All the old people say that. I'm coming to terms with it, not really fighting with it, but in a way where I make room for everything else. It's not the end of the world and I am still very young at heart and most of me is still in the very young stage so let's press on.

I’ll talk State of Massachusetts in the next blog. That’s a source that really gets me going to the extent of pissing me right-the-hell-off. But anyone, back to the subject at hand.

The thing that got me going was looking trying to find some inspiration or any simple means even short term motivation to get me back here and to at least write a few lines. But nothing. I thought long and hard ... hhmmm ... yeah that too, but anything where I could get my fat ass in this chair long enough to write something, anything, that means anything to anyone and not just myself. Something where this self-imposed, almost self-created ADD is not going to rule my life. I mean, my God already! A little focus please. A little consistency. I mean finish what you started, but Jesus please? Yes I do pray and did about this as well. But can I stick with something! And then I thought. If it was worth anything that meant anything, I probably would ... I would. It’s not that hard to figure it out. I just would. And even though I didn't put it up there in the list, the relationship is a definite in that. [Brace yourself tangent/rant coming in 3…2…1. ] Just waiting on that special someone who feels like I do, but waiting for things to fall into her little space. I know better, but I cannot give or make people what I know onto others. No matter how much I want it or them. And maybe I know, but to a point. Nah, forget that I know, but before the grace of God go I. Right? So I shoosh for now, and for a while too. LOL ... Hey, it is a blog so I can LOL all I want. [Tangent/rant over] Did I lose you? Sorry a little tangent there, maybe a slight rant. Had to edit and put that update in there cause even I was like. Holy Crap! So anyways … back at it … But what I needed to get at (here we go), and let this be a reminder to myself, was what was and is going to make me happy. I mean other than love, cause for that's where all this stems from and comes from. All positive directiveness has come from Love. There is no way around it. It just is. But, my thing here is that with that not really being a factor in my life right now what is going to get me to that point? I mean love is from the inside and out approach, but what outside factor can lead me to the inside? And not that that was my thought or intention, but after thinking on it some. It has come to that where once I threw stuff out there I was like "yeah, right." And even "holy shit!" I love it when I come up with these little bouts of genius. It honestly doesn't take much really. But what I came up with was "productivity." Yes, that and being mindful while doing it. I've been doing it all along, but I didn't realize how much I was in the 'zone' when being productive. So I then wrote, yes, actually wrote, and not typed, the things that made me productive and things that made me happy. And most shared the same commonality. They shared in each other’s definition or root-cause. So not only am I happy when being productive, but I think that I am doing a worthwhile cause. At least with my time. And that's important. A little footnote here. As I write this and have not yet proofread or edited it yet, I am very much aware of my writing this coming off a little "Forrest Gumpish," maybe even "Karlish" (Sling Blade) and maybe even a little "Warren" (There's Just Something About Mary) fames. But as simple as my approach and dialect … well … it's working. I don't need to complicate my life any further than it already is. I think with a simpler and yes even a dumber down approach to my life it might open up other things. I'm not only confident in that, but I'm pretty sure it's true as is.

So the thing is listing the things that make you productive. Whether it be cleaning, organizing, exercising, doing/running errands, whatever it may be that you find that stimulates your mind, body, and soul. All working together for one cause, making you happy! You can and I even suggest aside from being productive is write down the things that make you happy that have nothing to do with being productive, but I wouldn't start limiting or using negative/subtractive thinking right off the bat. Just write down what makes you happy. Eating ice cream, watching a movie on TV, going to the movie theatres, playing/listening to music. See right there, playing music is productive. Keep going. My point is that just the thought of these things. Internal/external, who cares? The thought of these things, deeds, actions, thoughts, rumblings; sparks creativity, ignites happiness, and motivates oneself to not only do, but to just be. See you read all this here and you didn't have to go to Border's or Barnes & Noble to pick up a self-help book. You read it here. “Mmmm hhmmm,” as Karl Childers would say.

Well, I hope I helped anyone coming in stopping to read a line or two. I know I've helped me out just a little bit. But I thought I would share my brief revelation of getting out of a rut And then again, I could be full of shit and maybe its just Spring around the corner and that has always motivated me out of the cave. I'm thinking it's a little bit of both. Thanks again for stopping by. Love to all.
